Agency Administration
Agency Administration is responsible for the administrative management activities of the agency to include personnel and employee relations for 87 full time employees and over 300 adjunct instructors. It oversees the agency’s $65 million budget and manages all activities related to information technology, financial services, agency procurement, and grants and local aid. Agency Administration serves as the agency’s primary provider of funds for fire training and the construction of training facilities, administering over $36 million in Aid to Localities funding in fiscal year 2023 and overseeing the construction of state-funded live fire training structures.
These structures, located throughout the commonwealth, provide dedicated training space for firefighters to practice in live fire environments. The branch’s other sections support agency initiatives such as online testing and the purchase of new fire training equipment.
Finance: Financial Services includes processing of Accounts Payable/Receivable, Small Purchase Charge Card, Payroll, Travel Reimbursement, and Annual Financial Reconciliation. Additional services include Agency budget development, stewardship and analysis; and controls and processes to ensure compliance with Agency Risk Management and Internal Controls Standards (ARMICS).
Information Technology: Responsible for the operation and support of the Fire Service Training Records System (FSTRS). Additionally, the Information Technology Division functions consist of supporting the internal agency applications and IT equipment, and being the liaison to the Commonwealth’s IT partner, VITA.
Grants and Local Aid: Encompasses the financial assistance programs of the agency. Programs include Aid to Localities Entitlement Program; Burn Building Grants; Technology Grants; Conference and Education Assistance; Virginia Dry Hydrant Grants in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Chief Administrative Officer
1005 Technology Park Drive
Glen Allen, VA 23059-4500