Below you will find the following information.

  • NFIRS Account Reset
  • Username and Password Requirements
  • Additional Accounts             
  • Incident Data Submissions Using Vendor Software               
  • No Activity Reporting                
  • Running NFIRS Web-Based Reports
  • Additional Assistance

NFIRS Account Reset

NFIRS accounts go inactive every 90 days and users can get locked out if they mistype or forget their

password. Also, users can be locked out of their account if they try to change their password to a

password that is not acceptable to the NFIRS password requirements.

If you need your account reset, please utilize the forgot password link or the forgot username link. New

passwords must not be the same as the previous eight (8) passwords.

If you need further assistance, please use the NFIRS Account Reset form at the following link:

VFIRS Account Reset Form

Username and Password Requirements

Username Requirements:

  • Must be between 7 and 14 alphanumeric characters
  • Cannot contain the following special characters apostrophe (‘), quote (“), space ( ),
  • or pound sign (#)

NFIRS Password Requirements:

  • Must be between 8 and 14 alphanumeric characters
  • Contain at least one number
  • Contain at least one special character
  • Contain a combination of alphabetic, numeric, AND special characters
  • Cannot contain the following special characters apostrophe (‘), quote (“), space ( ), or
  • pound sign (#)
  • Cannot start with a number
  • Special characters allowed: ~ ! $ % * ( ) – _ = + [ ] ; : . < >

*Password must be changed every 90 days and are case-sensitive.

Additional NFIRS Accounts

To add additional NFIRS accounts in the system for members of your fire department, please fill out the self-registration form. New user accounts will be processed within 24 to 48 hours. Once approved each member will be sent a confirmation email with their account information.

Incident Data Submissions Using Vendor Software

If your fire department is using third-party vendor software such as Firehouse or ImageTrend to enter incidents, you will need to export all of the incidents from that system. Then upload the data files using the bulk import function into NFIRS. After your file has been imported, you will receive a validation summary report back by email. You also have the option to send data files to so that our staff can manually import your incidents. Reports are due on the 15 th of every month for the month prior.

No Activity Reporting

When you have no incidents for a month, you still need to report to NFIRS. To report that you have no incidents, go into the NFIRS reporting system and start a new incident. For the incident date, enter the last day of the month for the month with no calls, ex. 1/31/2014, for Jan 2014. For the incident number, enter ‘0000000’. Then, check the box for no activity. Then, click on ‘OK’ and then click on ‘Save’ to save the incident.

    • Incident date: 1/31/2014 (for ex. Jan 2014)
    • Incident number: 0000000
    • Check box for No Activity

Running NFIRS Web-Based Reports

  1. To access the web-based reports website, go to E-NFIRS.
  2. When prompted select your profile.
  3. On the right, click on ‘Software”, Then click on “Summary Output Reports Tool (SORT)”.
  4. You should see a list of reports that you can run on the page. The ‘Summary by Incident Type’ report is a good report to run. It provides a breakout of calls by incident type, as well as, total fire dollar loss and the number of civilian and fire service casualties. The ‘Residential Structure Fire Causes’ report is another good report to run that shows fire cause information. Click on a report title to run a report.
  5. Enter a date range for the report. Enter dates in the date range fields such as 01/01/2019 for the From Date, and 12/31/2019 for the To Date. There is a calendar dropdown menu that you can also use to select the dates.
  6. For the dropdown boxes, select ‘All’ for Incident Status, ‘All’ for Version, and ‘All’ for Release Status. This ensures that you are getting all of your incidents in the report.
  7. In the ‘FDID Selection’ window, click the folder next to NFIRS – NFDC, then the folder next to Virginia, and then continue to expand out to your division, locality, and fire department. Click the box next to your fire department to select. You should see a check in the box.
  8. Then click the ‘Generate Report’ button at the bottom of the page to submit the report to run on the server.
  9. On the top left of the page, click on ‘My Recent Reports’. Your report should be listed on the page. The status for the report will show ‘In Progress’. Keep clicking on ‘My Recent Reports’ to refresh the page. Once your report is finished, the status will show ‘Completed’. The time that it takes to run a report varies based on the total number of reports being requested.
  10. To view and save your report, click on one of the available report formats; PDF, Excel, Word, or HTML to download. PDF is the best format to select.
  11. When prompted ‘Do you want to open or save this file?’, select ‘Save’. Change the ‘Save In’ location to your Desktop and enter a filename for the report. Then, click ‘Save’. When the download is complete, click ‘Close’.
  12. Locate the file on your Desktop to open. You now have a file that you can print and save for future reference. The first page is a cover page that shows the criteria that you entered for the report. The second page shows the actual report. For the ‘Summary by Incident Type’ report, the frequency column shows the number of incidents. If you add the numbers for frequency, mutual aid given and exposures, you will get the grand total number of emergency responses handled by your department or locality.
  13. Click on ‘Available Reports’ at the top left of the webpage to go back to the list of available reports if you want to run another report.

Additional Assistance

If you need any additional assistance or have questions, please contact:


(804) 371-0220


NFIRS Support Center

(888) 382-3827