The Governor’s Fire Service Awards were established in 2002 as a formal recognition of excellence in Virginia's Fire Services. The awards are presented annually to recipients in eight categories. Each category, save the Private Sector Excellence and Civilian Excellence in Fire Service Support, includes a volunteer and career recipient. Awards are presented annually at the Virginia Fire Rescue Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Awards Timeline
Application Process: | Year-Long |
Applications Due: | December 1 |
Materials Sent to First Round: | 1 Week after Application Due Date |
First Round Complete: | 4th Friday of December |
Second Round Complete: | First Friday of January |
Final List to Governor's Office: | Second Tuesday of January |
How to Submit your Nomination:
Submitting nominations for the Virginia Governor's Fire Service Awards is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to ensure your nominations are received and considered:
- Review Award Categories: Take a moment to review the available award categories to determine the most suitable recognition for the deserving individual, department, or organization.
- Prepare Required Information: Gather all necessary details about the nominee's accomplishments, contributions, and any supporting materials that showcase their outstanding achievements.
- Complete the Online Form: Fill out the Online Submission Form with accurate and comprehensive information about the nominee and their achievements.
- Complete the Executive Summary: Applications for the Governor's Fire Service Awards must include a prepared Executive Summary as a part of your nomination submission. Additionally, attached to the summary, applications must include at least one letter of recommendation, and a letter from the highest ranking official or their designee of the organization. For Outstanding Fire Department Response, a VFIRS or NFIRS report is required. Documentation should be submitted to policyoffice@vdfp.virginia.gov.
- Review and Confirm: Before finalizing your submission, carefully review all entered information to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Submit Your Nomination: Once you're satisfied with the details provided, submit your nomination along with all additional documents by clicking the designated button on the online form.
Governor's Fire Service Award Online Submission Form
Governor' Fire Service Award Executive Summary Form
Award Categories
CRITERIA: An individual or organization that exemplifies an outstanding dedication to helping protect the citizens of Virginia against the devastating effects of fire, not only in their own jurisdictions, but in other areas of the Commonwealth. Individual/organization that demonstrate exceptional dedication to sound management principles and excellence in fire service leadership in their department and within Virginia.
ELIGIBILITY: Any individual or organization belonging to a recognized municipal, state or DOD Fire Department, or assigned to a suppression force or team working directly for the Commonwealth of Virginia or the United States Federal Government working within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
CRITERIA: An individual or organization that exemplifies outstanding dedication and service for the furtherance of Virginia Public Fire & Life Safety Education not only in their own department, but in other areas of the Commonwealth as well. An individual or organization that exhibits exceptional commitment to the field of fire prevention; to include the adoption, amendment or interpretation of the Statewide Fire Prevention Code, Statewide Building Code, other related codes or fire prevention principles that would impact not only their own jurisdiction but other localities as well.
ELIGIBILITY: Any individual or organization belonging to a recognized municipal, state or DOD Fire Department, or assigned to a suppression force or team working directly for the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the United States Federal Government working within the Commonwealth of Virginia and are engaged in Virginia Public Fire & Life Safety Education
CRITERIA: Any individual or organization providing lesson plans, support or delivery of programs within the Commonwealth which are fire service related. This award is given to an individual that has shown dedication, ingenuity, and commitment in fire suppression training. Nominees activities must include contributions to the fire training process throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
ELIGIBILITY: Any instructor belonging to a recognized municipal, state or DOD Fire Department, or assigned to a suppression force or team working directly for the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the United States Federal Government, or organization working within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
CRITERIA: Any outstanding Fire Department Response made in the last year, that demonstrates mutual aid, integration of multiple system components, interagency interfacing and cooperation, or complex assessment or rescue. This award recognizes personnel that displayed critical decision-making abilities or engaged in similarly noteworthy actions that contributed to the successful outcome of an incident. The nomination must include a copy of the VFIRS report and a specific example showing what/how this was accomplished
ELIGIBILITY: Any fire service organization.
CRITERIA: Any private sector or nonprofit entity that has demonstrated exceptional dedication to the success of Virginia Fire Services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia by promoting outstanding contributions that further the advancement of the Fire Service.
ELIGIBILITY: Any private sector or nonprofit organization.
CRITERIA: Any civilian or organization, with no fire service affiliation or are administrative professionals, fire corps volunteers and other policy makers who exemplify an outstanding dedication to helping protect the citizens of Virginia against the devastating effects of fire. This nominee would have participated in projects, programs or committees that support the highest traditions of the fire and rescue service and have had significant impact to the citizens of Virginia.
ELIGIBILITY: Any citizen or organization, with no fire service affiliation, or administrative professionals, fire corps volunteers and other policy makers within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
CRITERIA: Any paid or volunteer firefighter that exemplifies outstanding performance and dedication within his/her own department to enhance fire safety for the citizens they serve. This individual would demonstrate efforts of furthering the safety, well-being, and care of citizens that promote notable improvements and precautions for fire safety.
ELIGIBILITY: Any paid or volunteer firefighter within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
CRITERIA: Any paid or volunteer fire chief that exemplifies outstanding performance and dedication to the fire service. This individual promotes outstanding leadership, innovation, professional development, integrity, along with superior service to the public and a high level of contributions to the fire service as a whole with notable record of service and achievements.
ELIGIBILITY: Any paid or volunteer fire chief within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
For more information, contact policyoffice@vdfp.virginia.gov