VDFP Frequently Asked Questions
- About VDFP FAQ Do I have to be certified to be a firefighter in Virginia? There is no requirement to be certified in the Commonwealth of Virginia; however, many jurisdictions do require certifications. What are the requirements for Fire Officer I, II, III, and IV in Virginia? There are pre-requisites for each course. Please check the course list […]
- Fire and EMS Study Frequently Asked Questions Why are fire and emergency medical services (EMS) studies conducted? Fire and EMS studies are conducted at the request of a local jurisdiction from theVirginia Fire Services Board, per Section 9.1-203.4 of the Code of Virginia. What is the purpose of a fire and EMS study? The purpose of a fire and EMS study is […]
- Helpful Hints for ATL Annual Reports Helpful Hints in Completing ATL Annual Reports and Disbursement Agreements Annual Reports Ensure that all expenditures reported qualify as used solely for fire purposes only AND that no ATL funds were used to supplant or replace local funding. Include prior year’s carry forward of ATL funds in B2. Report the current fiscal year’s ATL allocation […]
- Live Fire Training Structure Grant FAQ What is a Live Fire Training Structure? An unoccupied structure used by the fire service for training personnel in a controlled & supervised fire simulation or dense smoke environment. The structure is referred to as a “prop” Who is eligible for a Commonwealth Live Fire Training Structure grant? Any one of the 323 […]
- Travel Voucher (TERV) Helpful Hints (FAQ) TRAVEL VOUCHER (TERV) HELPFUL HINTS This document contains Helpful Hints and friendly reminders for the completion and submission of TERVs to ensure compliance with State Travel Regulations and timely processing within the Finance Branch. For training managers, please share with your adjunct instructors. Any additional questions regarding the proper completion and submission of TERVs or […]