Helpful Hints in Completing ATL Annual Reports and Disbursement Agreements

Annual Reports

  • Ensure that all expenditures reported qualify as used solely for fire purposes only AND that no ATL funds were used to supplant or replace local funding.
  • Include prior year’s carry forward of ATL funds in B2. Report the current fiscal year’s ATL allocation in B3. These amounts are reported on the Audit Sheet and have been verified as correct by VDFP. Do not change these amounts.
  • Do not report more expenditures than the total amount reported in B4.
  • Check your math carefully.
  • Have the Annual Report notarized.
  • Submit one original Annual Report per fiscal year being reported. Do not combine multiple fiscal years on one report.
  • Do not submit Annual Reports for fiscal years in which funds have not yet been released. The locality cannot report for what it has not yet received.

    Disbursement Agreements

Return TWO (2) original disbursement agreements. Both will be executed; one will be returned for the locality’s files.

Both Annual Reports and Disbursement Agreements

  • ALL documents must be signed by the County Administrator, City Manager, Town Mayor/Manager or duly appointed Deputy, OR other duly authorized official whereby the report is accompanied by a copy of an ‘Ordinance’ or other such instrument granting that party such authority.
  • Read all documents carefully. Failure to comply with these requirements WILL result in returned documents and a delay in fire programs funds disbursement.
  • Forward these guidelines to any office/department charged with completing these reports/forms on the locality’s behalf.
  • Call the VDFP Grants and Local Aid Manager if there are questions, comments, concerns, or confusion in what needs to be completed and returned.
  • Check the VDFP website for additional forms/reports as needed. Required forms can be found under Grants & Local Aid, Aid to Localities.
  • Keep copies of what is submitted to VDFP for the locality’s files in the event prior years may need to be referenced and for audit purposes.

    How does the Audit Sheet work?

  • Identify the ATL Reference Codes selected for the locality (in the yellow box).
  • Refer to the Reference Code Descriptions to determine which documents are required for submission.
  • ONLY the documents identified by the Reference Codes are required.