"Fire Won't Wait, Plan Your Escape" by closing your door before you doze

Will Merritt
VDFP Public Information Officer


RICHMOND (October 13, 2022) – Did you know that closing your doors can reduce fire growth, limit damage and can even save your life if you become trapped during a fire? That is today’s tip from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs (VDFP) as part of National Fire Prevention Week.

According to the Fire Safety Research Institute, a closed door can make a 900 degree difference with an open-door room reaching 1,000 degrees compared to 100 degrees in a closed-door room.

“Make closing bedroom doors part of your routine,” said Ken Brown, Community Risk Reduction Coordinator. “Fire needs oxygen to burn and a closed door helps prevent the fire from getting more oxygen.”

For more information, visit the Fire Safety Research Institute’s “Close Before You Doze” webpage for more information: closeyourdoor.org

The 2022 Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Fire Won’t Wait, Plan Your Escape,” works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe from home fires. Each day, VDFP will release fire safety tips to help Virginians be prepared in case of an emergency.