The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a declared pandemic that is evolving throughout the U.S. and abroad at a rapid pace. As with many localities and government agencies in the Commonwealth, the Virginia Department of Fire Programs is remaining flexible and working proactively to announce changes to agency training programs and operations as they occur.
Visit this page for real-time updates on VDFP-specific actions and decisions.
March 21, 2020
- Effective March 23, 2020: VDFP will cease providing funded staff for testing and to support live burns.
March 20, 2020
- April 20-27, 2020: Driver Aerial Operator (NFPA 1002-14) course being held by the Williamsburg FD is postponed.
- Offices in Divisions 3, 5, and 6 are closed until further notice. You can conduct VDFP business with Divisions 3, 5, and 6 by contacting those divisions directly by email or phone.
- We are also taking measures to practice social distancing and adhere to Governor Northam’s mandate that bans gatherings of 10 or more people in a location. In-person and walk-up visitors at all VDFP offices are discouraged. Conduct VDFP business by email or phone.
March 19, 2020
- April 6-10, 2020: Virginia Fire Marshal Academy Environmental Crimes course is cancelled.
March 17, 2020
- April 17-26, 2020: Rockingham Regional Fire School is postponed.
- May 4-7, 2020: Rescue Challenge 2020 is postponed. There will be a conference call held on Monday, April 6 between TRAVA, VDFP, and Regional Hosting Agencies to determine a reschedule and/or cancellation options. Please do not contact them until information is forwarded to you from the April 6th conference call. Review the details.
March 16, 2020
- March 16-April 3, 2020: Effective immediately, all VDFP Funded and Reimbursable Courses that are currently in progress or beginning, up to and including April 3, 2020 are cancelled or postponed. In addition, at this time VDFP will not be accepting any new course requests. Further guidance will be provided by April 1, 2020.
March 13, 2020
- Albemarle County Regional School scheduled on March 21-22, 2020 has been cancelled.
- The 1031 Fire Inspector course scheduled on Monday, March 16, 2020, has been cancelled due to the local state of emergency declared by the City of Portsmouth. Please be advised that there are other 1031 Fire Inspector course offerings available this year and we welcome you to register for those classes. Please indicate during registration that your class was cancelled due to this state of emergency and you will be given preference in registering.
- The joint Fire Services Board Meeting and DHCD meeting scheduled for Monday, March 16 has been cancelled.
- The Virginia Fallen Firefighters & EMS Memorial Service Committee meeting scheduled on Tuesday, March 17 will occur as scheduled. Members will be advised of the meeting process.
- The Virginia Fire Services Board Live Structures meeting scheduled on Friday, March 20 will be postponed until further notice. However, the Code Subcommittee meeting will occur as scheduled and members will be advised of the process.